Your Dog Swallowing Bully Stick Will Not Be A Problem Anymore

Bully Stick

Regular food is not the only thing your dog needs daily. You should also choose healthy treats that can be used for training and to reward your dog for good behavior. And there is one other product that most pet owners ignore and that is the chew or bully stick. Have you seen how dogs like to chew on things? When you do not offer them chews or bully sticks they might end up looking for something on their own and your shoes might have to face their wrath. To avoid this offer healthy bully sticks to your dog. Bully sticks offer the following benefits -

      They help in cleaning dogs’ teeth and also make them strong.

      Bully sticks made of healthy ingredients can help in enhancing your dog’s diet. As they chew on their favorite stick they also get a small boost of the essential nutrients.

      Dogs that are nippy out of boredom might look at their bully sticks as a way to keep themselves entertained.

Though bully sticks offer all these advantages, there is one little problem that most pet owners are concerned about and that is the problem of the dog swallowing bully stick. When it is still big the dog would carry it around happily and munch on it but as it gets smaller it becomes a choking hazard for the dog. It is not just a problem with young dogs but also with matured ones. As the stick gets even smaller, it might even get lodged in the intestines and cause serious issues. If the dog only swallows very tiny bits of the bully stick it would not be a problem as these are often made of materials that can be digested easily. But how should you react when you know that your dog has swallowed a big piece of bully stick?

If your dog has swallowed a bully stick you should take it to the vet immediately. You might not always be able to spot whether the stick is still in the throat or has entered the dog’s stomach. A veterinarian will thoroughly examine your dog and look for any signs of discomfort that might indicate that your dog is struggling. Even if you are sure that there is no bully stick stuck in the intestine or throat you should keep a close eye to check if your dog is displaying any signs of allergy or changes in its appetite. Changes in eating habits and bowel movements are signs you should not ignore especially after your dog swallows a bully stick.

Also Read: Guide to Select the Right Chew for Your Fur Baby

Prevention is definitely better than cure and so preventing your dog from swallowing the bully stick should be your primary concern. Instead of avoiding it because of the fear of your dog swallowing bully stick you can invest in good bully stick holders. These are useful accessories that help in preventing the dog from swallowing the stick. The mechanism to grip the stick might be different in different bully stick holders but they are all designed in a way that does not allow the dog to pull the stick out. As a result, you do not have to worry about your furry friend swallowing the stick.



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