Tips To Choose The Best Elk Antlers Dog Chews For Your Pet

Elk Antlers Dog Chews

Picking treats for your pet will be a never ending struggle if you do not know what kind of treats to choose. With plenty of unhealthy options out there you should be careful about the products you buy. Treats are meant to be offered during training. Some commercial brands incorporate additives and colors to make the treats more delectable. That’s one reason why some dogs like their treats more than their food. But in reality, treats with artificial flavors and fillers can be bad for your dog in the long run.

Even if you continue to offer healthy daily meals, these unhealthy treats might cause digestion issues. That’s where a safe and natural option like elk antlers dog chews comes into the picture. As pet owners, you find it overwhelming to compare the elf antlers available in the marketing and pick the right one for your dog. So, here is a list of some of the most important things to consider when you buy these for your pet.

Factors To Consider While Buying Elk Antlers As Dog Chews

  1. Pick The Right Sized Antler

Elk antlers dog chews come in different sizes. Remember that these are durable. So, even if you pick a large one, it will last for weeks if not months. Large antlers are better as they are slightly safer for dogs. Small ones can easily be chewed on and made smaller enough to become choking hazards for the pooch. Especially while offering antlers for the first time, it is hard to guess how quickly your dog chews and finishes an antler. So, do not take a risk by picking something that is too small.

  1. Check For The Softness Of The Antlers

The antlers of an elk are not the same thickness and density throughout the length. So depending on the section from which the antler chew was cut and sold, the actual softness and porosity of the antler differs. Softer ones are easier to chew on and they get over quickly. You might have to consciously look for and choose harder ones especially if your dog has an aggressive chewing habit.

  1. Marrow Access Through Split Antlers

There are whole antlers where the marrow is not exposed and split ones where dogs can easily reach the marrow. This is another factor to look into while checking the size and softness of the antlers. Marrow is the nutritious part in the antler and is also the favorite part for most dogs. So, if this part is easily accessible, the antler becomes fragile easily and the dog is likely to finish off the antler too soon. If your dog has an aggressive biting behavior, he might benefit from whole antlers where the marrow is not easy to reach.

 Also Read: Your Dog Swallowing Bully Stick Will Not Be A Problem Anymore

Elk antlers dog chews are natural options and therefore safe for dogs. They are also healthy in numerous ways. As long as you consider the above factors and choose a naturally shed antler, you can be sure that you are offering what’s best for your dog. With this you can reward your dog while also letting it maintain its dental hygiene.



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